Brighton Flyway Transport

Booking and Quotes

To ensure an accurate quote, please enter your full address or the specific airport terminal for both pickup and drop-off locations. Using general city or area names such as Brighton or Hove will prevent the system from generating a quote or allowing a booking.

Waiting Time and Surcharges :

  1. Free Waiting Time: We provide a complimentary waiting period of 1 hour after your flight lands.
  2. Additional Waiting Time: If the waiting time exceeds 1 hour, a surcharge of £7.50 will be applied for every additional 15 minutes.
  3. Booking Times: Please note that all bookings scheduled between the hours of 22:00 and 06:00 will incur an additional charge of £5.
  4. Meet & Greet Service: A Meet and Greet service is available upon request for an additional charge of £5.
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